Koocanusa Resort Fishing & Derby
Come have the time of your life!
2024 Derby Results
Koocanusa resort and Marina had their annual fishing derby May 18th and 19th this year marked 22 years of having a derby. We had an amazing turn out this year with 328 people and 113 boats. The winner this year was a local man. We have not had a winner from Libby since 2005. It was a very exciting weekend with the weather we had, but rain or shine the fisherman and women still braved the weather and caught some great fish.
1st Rich Hutter 8lb 7oz

Picture submitted by Josie nelson
The winners displaying their catches. From left to right
1st Rich Hutter 8lb 7oz he won $2296.00
2nd Jeff Payne 7lb 6oz he won $1640.00
3rd Mark Harrison 7lb 5 oz he won $1312.00
4th Keven Flory 7lb 1oz he won $650.00
5th Tommy Kilgore 6lb 8oz 8/10 oz he won $394.00
6th Jeff Miller 6lb 8oz 1/10oz he won $263.00
1st Deanna Kazemba 4lb 3 oz and she won $820.00
2nd Brenda Sturm 4lb 0oz she won $492.00
3rd Darrick Judkins 3lb 7oz he won $328.00
2023 Derby Results
The winners of the 21st Annual fishing derby, which was held May 20-21, 2023 at Koocanusa Resort and Marina, Display their catches. From Left: Jeff Miller, first place rainbow trout, 6 pounds 5 ounces, won $1,843; Rob Dearman, second place rainbow trout, 6 pounds 2 ounces, won $1,316; Mike Babbit third place rainbow trout, 5 pounds 3 ounces, won $1,052; Brenda McCully fourth place rainbow trout, 4 pounds 9 ounces won $526; Dave Chichester fifth place rainbow trout, 4 pounds 4.8 ounces won $316; James Butts sixth place rainbow trout, 4 pounds 4.0 ounces won $210. The Kokanee are combined weight of 20. First place went to Brenda Stark with 4 pounds 3 ounces 5 grams she won $658.00, Second place went to Jon Olsen with 4 pounds 3 ounces 3 grams he won $395, and third place went to Kristy Whitney with 4 pounds 0 ounces she won $262.40. We had a total of 329 people and 120 boats. We would like to thank these businesses for their donations: Randy Burch at Koocanusa Resort and Marina, Timber Line Auto Sales, Kootenai truck repair, Rosita’s, The Switch Back Bar & Grill,Shoe Fly Fishing Co., Northwest Motor Sports, Country Inn, Riddel Chiropractic,Panda Chinese, Ski Haus, Pop’s Vapor Shop, Homesteader’s, Ace Hardware, Western Building Center, Les Schwab, Montana Power Products, Big Ski Lumber, Snappy’s, Jones Electric, Plug-It, Dianne Restaurant, Alpine Precision, Car Quest, Fix Coffee Libby Sports Center, Pizza Hut, Rosauers, Napa Auto, Pepco, Kaya Rustic Chic Creations, Dream Marine CHS, Moore Oil, High Spirits Liquor Store, Tim and Judy Baxter, and Melissa Libbers. Thank you all again for coming out and joining us for our annual 21st fishing derby.

2021 Derby Results
We had a great turn out this year. Thank you every one for coming out and supporting us. We can’t wait to see you all next year

1st place – Rocky Kramer 10lb 4 oz $1551.00

Left to right
1st : Rocky Kramer 10lb 4 oz $1551.00
5th: Pat Woodward 8lb 6 oz $266
6th: Garrett Gasset 8 lb 5 oz $177.00
4th: Marc McCully 8 lb 8 oz $443.00
3rd: John Patterson 9lb 1 oz $887.00
2nd: Kenny Breeden 9 lb 6 oz $1108.00
1st Susan Peters 3lb 2 oz $554.00
2nd Jeff Whitney 2lb 9oz $332.00
3rd Brenda Sturm 2lb 8 oz $222.00
We had 277 people and100 boats
What a great Derby we had. Such a great turn out with everything going on with the covid -19. We would like to say thank you to everyone who came out to support us. We had 277 contestants and 100 boats. We did get to have the award ceremony and door prizes this year and we ended up with some pretty cool door prizes. The rainbow trout this year were so about the same size as last year, winning fish this year was 10lb 4 oz. The kokanee were smaller this year than last year, they were running between 6 to 7 inches long. As the summer progressed the kokanee did get bigger they are running between 9 – 12 inches long. It seem like we either have big rainbow trout and small kokanee or small rainbow trout and big kokanee take your pick.
This is one of the most exciting events we do here at Koocanusa Resort and Marina. We all look forward to this every year. It is a lot of work but so worth it in the end. Getting to see all our amazing customers year after year and the new customers that came for the first time it’s just such an exciting time. Thank you very much for the years of helping make this derby the success it has always been. Every year we seem to see a lot of new and many of the former contestants.
We appreciate every one of you so much.
The Derby will be May 14th & 15th, 2022
Thank you to everyone that took the time out of their weekend and came to enjoy the Derby with us.
Randy and Crew
Thank you to everyone that participated. We can’t wait to see you all next year!