Koocanusa Resort Derby Rules & Application
Please if the kids are under 15 put down their age on the line. We have prizes for these kids by age. So please put it in the right spot.
Send apps to the address on the form. The entry fee for everyone on the boat and app filled out both in the envelope, or they are not put into the derby tell we get the entry fee.
Derby Rules Below:
The deadline for apps is May 16th, 2025 by 11 p.m.
Either in person or by mail. You must check in on Friday no matter what. Bringing us your app on Friday that will check you in. Anyone that gets the apps in earlier than Friday, May 16th, 2025 must check in on Friday themselves.
No exceptions.
Any questions, just call!!
Phone: (406) 293-7474
Rainbows are looking healthy and fighters already.
Good luck everyone. The rainbow fishing has been really good this year already. Many 7-12lbs already being caught.
2025 derby will be May 16th and 17th always the weekend Saturday and Sunday after Mother's Day.
We have just gotten approval for the derby. Please fill out all of the form and the age of anyone over the age of 3 years that is on the boat, because they have to be in the derby if they are on the boat. The set dates are May 16th and 17th with reservations and check in done by May 16th.
Please read the 2025 fishing rules for Montana:
- You are not allowed to keep any bull trout.
- 2 poles still allowed on lake Koocanusa per person with valid license.
- Rainbow possession 5 daily 10 in possession only 1 over 22 inches in possession (pg. 23 of rules book).
- Kokanee salmon 50 per day 100 in possession.
- Be sure to read the rule book for rules.
New rule books for 2025 have arrived
- Fishing licenses are available at the lodge also.
- on April 15th open 7 days a week.
- Weather is beautiful as seems to be going to stay that way rainbows are biting and many averaging 8lbs are being caught.
- Any question please call, if you get the answering machine, please leave a message and we will get right back to you.
You must have your photo id and last 4 numbers of your social security number available to purchase license.
23911 scenic hwy 37
Libby, Montana 59923
(406) 293-7474
Come try your luck, this is the second largest freshwater derby in the state of Montana.
Licenses are good starting march 1st and last tell last day of Feb for a seasonal. Go to www.fwp.mt.gov/fishing. Cabins available all year around and coffee is always hot.
Please call if you need anymore information.